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By the Planet

Innovation means putting sustainability at the forefront. With concrete actions, we strive in the various design and production phases to minimise our impact on the environment.

Impegnoambientale hero malvestio
Our 2030 Agenda goals
Health and well-being

Ensuring the health and promoting the well-being of all people of different ages through health care.

Badge salute

Ensuring the health and promoting the well-being of all people of different ages through health care.

Gender Equality

Promoting an inclusive, fair working environment that counteracts inequalities.

Badge paritagenere

Promoting an inclusive, fair working environment that counteracts inequalities.

Enterprise, innovation and infrastructure

Encouraging clean and environmentally friendly industrial processes.

Badge imprese

Encouraging clean and environmentally friendly industrial processes.

Dedicated work and economic growth

Promoting lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Badge lavoro

Promoting lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Helping to improve the quality of our facilities, qualifying our area.

Badge comunita

Helping to improve the quality of our facilities, qualifying our area.

Actions that make a difference.

To support climate change mitigation, we have developed an environmental policy to which we are committed on a daily basis, which includes:

Production process: we optimise resources, increasing the use of renewable energy and recycled materials.

Emissions: we monitor and reduce atmospheric emissions with careful controls.

Packaging and waste: we adopt circular economy practices to recover and reuse packaging that is still intact.

Impegnoambientale malvestio
Would you like to know more?
Our Policies
Environmental Policy

It reflects our commitment to minimise environmental impact by promoting sustainable and responsible practices. 

FSC® (FSC®-C185652)

It reflects our commitment to environmental sustainability and respect for workers' rights, promoting ethical and responsible resource management. 

Environmental Product Declaration EPD

It communicates clearly the environmental impact of our products. 

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